BG man voting for Geer because ‘character count, trust matters’

Character counts, trust matters, and those are the primary reasons why I’ll be voting for Norm Geer for the Bowling Green Board of Education this November. 

I never met Norm until I wrote him a heated letter about a school board action with which I vehemently disagreed. I think many people would have fought fire with fire if they’d received a letter like that. That’s not what Norm did. When we had a chance to talk, he greeted me with a smile, heard me out, and thanked me for my input. It was the last thing I was expecting, and it was a moment that changed how I viewed the role of a board member into something that’s maybe a little old-fashioned.

In the past few years, it seems like every election down to school board and town council becomes a referendum on national-scale issues and passions. Further, it seems like so much debate today has to be filled with screaming emotion. 

Norm Geer is a throwback to a better time – a time when local politics weren’t bloodsport or clickbait. He evaluates all the evidence, considers multiple points of view, and really does arrive at the decision he believes is best for our kids. In the end, that’s all that should matter in a local school board election.  I haven’t agreed with every vote Norm has cast, but I know that I can trust him to dispassionately make the best decision he can with the evidence in front of him. I hope many more voters will agree that his calm competence and sterling character are what this community needs to move forward. 

Joe Boyle

Bowling Green