Jessica Swaisgood is the leader BG schools need

I am writing to urge all voters in the Bowling Green School District to cast their ballots for Jessica Swaisgood for a seat on our school board.

We are at a point in time where a change is needed, a change in viewpoint, a change in style and a change in LISTENING. Jessica was told earlier this year, by Ginny Stewart that in order to be heard she needed to run for school board. Jessica listened and she is in the race and in my opinion deserves to win a seat at the table.

Jessica is the kind of person we want and need in a school board member. She listens to others, she returns emails, she is a strong advocate for students and teachers and strongly believes in the value of in person learning. She is in favor of parents having choices, and not being forced to deal with one size fits all types of mandates.

This past year she saw the problems associated with the limitations of virtual learning and advocated for options and changes, and then started an advocacy group to work towards solutions.

Jessica is the type of leader we need, she saw a problem, listened to others and went to work to find solutions. I am proud to recommend her for your vote.

Richard Strow

Bowling Green