BG resident: Be smart about the levy

Here’s some advice about the School Levy; surround yourself with smart people.  Every endorsement has been in favor of the school levy.  The BG City Council, BG Chamber of Commerce, BG Economic Development, the Parent Teacher Organizations, Bowling Green Education Association, Ohio Association of Public School Employees, League of Women Voters, Mayor Edwards, soon-to-be Mayor Aspacher and many more have all endorsed the school levy.   It’s good for Bowling Green.  It’s good for economic growth.  It’s good for property values.  Every one of them endorsed it.   They’re smart people. 

We all had a chance to be on the task forces.  Many were.  The levy is exactly what the task forces recommended.  They were tasked to find the best solution to move us forward.  The members (our friends and neighbors) dedicated a lot of time to the task forces.  They became pretty smart in that process.

The ones who are the smartest; the teachers, staff, administrators, superintendent and school board members agree this levy is best for our kids.  Their responsibilities are to advance our kids!

Look at our neighboring school systems. Otsego, Eastwood, Genoa and Defiance.  They’ve built just what this levy is proposing.  They are thriving. 

In years past, the voters decided there was synergy in having a combined high school and then a combined middle school.   Why aren’t those “neighborhood” schools?  They understood the cost to have great schools is a priceless investment in our kids and our community.  They had the vision to see what investing in schools meant to a community, to a farm, to a business, to house values, to family values and to our future.   Instead of arguing and name calling they got it done.  Smart people.

Lisa and I embrace smart people, past and present.  We support One Community One School. 

Bullying, threats, personal attacks and lies have no place on the school board.  We’re ALL smarter than that.  Our school board needs those who are optimistic about our school system, who have committed their energy and demonstrated their passion to do what’s best for kids.  Those are Jill Carr, Tracy Hovest and Ginny Stewart for School Board.  We support them. 

Our community and our kids need your support.  Please vote FOR the levy and FOR Ginny, Jill, and Tracy.  It’s the smart thing to do.

David Codding

Bowling Green