BG schools need Norm Geer on the Board of Education

Norm Geer is a needed man. Geer, currently Bowling Green Area School Board President, is running for reelection. The community, the schools need him. We need his integrity and his courage. We need his knowledge of the intricacies of dealing with the myriad rules, regulations and opportunities presented to school districts in Ohio in these difficult years. Quality education is civilization, but it isn’t simple. Never was.

Back in the days when I was a Conneaut teacher Norm was one of “my” parents. He brought me joy. His beaming presence as a visiting father, alumnus, and CITIZEN reminded me why I loved what I was doing. He brought a joyous past, present and future together in his love for what the schools did for him, was providing for his children and his bright vision for their lives and the future of his community.

BG Schools need Norm Geer’s tangible gifts of practical skills and knowledge. BG Schools need the intangible gift of courage to make thoughtful decisions for educational quality and safety.  Difficult, evidence based decisions are not necessarily popular, even when correct.

I voted early for Parks, Schools, Old People, Norman Geer and Ryan Myers. I recommend you do the same.

Frances Brent, 

Retired Conneaut Teacher

Bowling Green