BG woman calls on senators to put integrity above blind party loyalty

I’d like to share a message I recently sent to our United States Senators for Ohio via their website contact pages. I encourage all constituents to make their views known to our public servants, regardless of what your views may be.

Dear Sir: The Senate trial of Donald Trump has now opened. I’m sure you agree that this is a solemn and deeply concerning time for our country. It is not a time for grandstanding or buffoonery, some of which we saw in the House hearings, in my humble opinion. 

All the same, it seems clear that Senate Majority Leader McConnell does NOT plan for the Senate to hold a fair and balanced trial, seeking all relevant facts of our President’s alleged wrongdoing. Instead he has vowed to coordinate closely with the White House, a boast that is comparable to a public prosecutor pledging to cater to an indicted criminal’s wishes.

While Mr. McConnell’s assertions are offensive to millions of Americans, it also remains clear that you, Mr. Portman, are in a position to do something about this unfortunate situation. You can — and in my estimation MUST — vote to subpoena documents and call witnesses that the White House has so far prevented from coming forward with facts about the impeachable offenses. 

The President’s defiance of congressional oversight represents a terrible precedent that violates our separation and balance of powers. Such behavior must not be allowed to stand. Mr. John Bolton, who openly asserts that he possesses relevant information, should certainly be called to give testimony in the Senate. And there are others in a similar position, as you know, such as Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Please reassure the people of Ohio that you place facts and integrity above blind party conformity and slavish obedience to the Cult of Trump. We are counting on you.

Anesa Miller

Bowling Green