Both Democrats running for state senate have signed pledge to promote campaign finance reform

The March 17 Ohio primary election is coming right up; in fact, early voting has begun.  Here in Northwest Ohio, Democrats have a contested primary in which Reem Subei and Joel O’Dorisio are vying to run for the Ohio Senate (District 2) against an appointed incumbent.  

Voters should know that both of these candidates have signed the American Promise pledge.  

American Promise Ohio is an excellent non-partisan organization that advocates the removal of unlimited and hidden money from our elections and policy-making.  The organization approaches candidates at every level—-federal, state, and local—-and asks each of them to pledge that they will use their office to promote this goal.   I urge voters to support candidates who share the vision of a fair democracy, unbought and dedicated to the public good, in order to put an end to corruption.  

Both Joel O’Dorisio and Reem Subei in Senate District 2 are committed to this goal.

Most Americans, including 66% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats, support a constitutional amendment to set limits on campaign spending and contributions. We are fortunate to have two candidates who recognize this need for reform: Reem Subei and Joel O’Dorisio. They have committed to work for change at the Statehouse so that the influence of Big Money will not overwhelm the voice of the people.  

Anesa Miller

Bowling Green