Everything wrong with the HEALS Act – Congressional candidate Rubando

Late Monday, Congressional Republicans introduced their legislative “solution” to the economic, unemployment, educational, and healthcare super-crisis we are still dealing with. Their proposal paled in comparison to the magnitude of the moment. The GOP has settled on half-measures to address COVID-19, rather than to do something right the first time.

The HEALS Act that they proposed has major short comings. Firstly, federal unemployment benefits would be slashed, effectively abandoning struggling Americans during this crisis and ensuring another economic freeze. The package also offers no new funding for state or local governments or the U.S. Postal Service. Here in Northwest Ohio, the slow economy has significantly reduced regional tax revenue. Without supplemental income, local leaders will face layoffs at a time when we need all hands on deck.  

The most disappointing aspect of this proposal is the business liability shield. This shield would last for five years and it would protect big business from COVID-19 responsibility in the workplace. It’s frustrating because we support small businesses, but this piece of legislation so clearly favors large corporations. Workers will suffer because their wellbeing isn’t a priority. Small businesses will suffer because this doesn’t help them survive the recession.   

It has been over 24 hours and Bob Latta has yet to comment on the proposal. At a time when we need leadership, transparency, and compassion, Bob Latta has fallen silent again. 

Nick Rubando