Fellow attorney gives support to Kuhlman for judge

I strongly support Joel Kuhlman for Judge of the Wood County Common Pleas Court. 

I first met Joel 10 years ago when I was in law school.  I quickly became close friends with Joel and his wife, Gretchen. After I became an attorney myself, I looked up to Joel as an attorney and as a person. There were many times that I would call Joel for advice and could always rely on him for an objective answer on how to handle the situation. The kindness he showed in his personal life translated to how he handled himself professionally.

Now as a more experienced attorney practicing in the courtroom on a daily basis, I see the qualities in Joel that we need in our judiciary.  He is consistent and thoughtful in his actions and his interpretation of the law. He is fair, objective, and wise. 

Vote Joel Kuhlman for Wood County Common Pleas Court Judge. 

Kati Tharp
