Ghanbari won’t answer the question, so county Democratic chair gives the answer

Haraz Ghanbari refused to fill out the League of Women Voters’ questionnaire or attend the League Candidate Forum and, since he refused to do so, I thought I’d answer the first question for him based on his voting record down in Columbus.  

What is your position on women’s reproductive rights and health?

Ghanbari has voted repeatedly to undermine women’s rights. He voted for legislation that bans abortion after six weeks without even exceptions for rape or incest. Based on legislation for which he voted, a 10-year-old girl who was raped was forced to travel from Columbus to Indiana to terminate the pregnancy. If she wouldn’t have traveled to Indiana, Haraz’s legislation would have forced that 10-year old girl to try to give birth. 

He is a co-sponsor of a bill (HB 480) that would provide legal protection for embryos from the moment of fertilization. For those who have gone through in vitro fertilization (IVF), multiple embryos are often utilized with the hope that one may lead to a successful pregnancy. For couples who become pregnant on their first attempt and only want one child, Haraz’s legislation would force them to try to carry the other embryos to term, donate them to others or pay for storage indefinitely.  

HB 480 also allows individuals to bring civil action against anyone suspected of paying any role in terminating a pregnancy, including paying for an abortion or helping someone travel to get an abortion. This bill was modeled after an infamous Texas law that empowered citizen vigilantes to track down women suspected of seeking abortions. 

In short, while in Columbus Rep. Ghanbari votes consistently for extremist legislation that curtails our personal freedoms. He is unwilling, however, to face Wood Countians in a candidates’ forum back here in Wood County. He doesn’t want to answer questions about his extremist votes.

Mike Zickar

Wood County Democratic Party Chair