Immigrant Rights Network urges Biden to address immigration ‘without delay’

Rally on immigration issues in Bowling Green in 2017


The NW Ohio Immigrant Rights Network has sent a letter to President Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader  Charles Schumer urging them to fulfill their promise of addressing the dire situation of immigrants, and asylees without delay. The full text of the letter is available here.

Beatriz Maya, Director of La Conexion and a founding member of the Network, says that “Immigration policies have to be humane and realistic. Our country suffers from an aging population. This can be easily reversed by opening up to newcomers. For decades now, we have criminalized 12 million young workers by subjecting them to an undocumented status, blocking all access for them to obtain documentation in the USA. This needs to stop.” 

Deacon Jennifer Vasquez, a faith-based assistant to  the NW Ohio Immigrant Rights Network, adds that “People of all faiths understand that welcoming sojourners and appreciating their gifts, and not perpetuating racism, fear, or animosity towards others, is what brings people together for the common good, lifting our country to its brightest future.”

Zeltzin Contreras, youth organizer for La Conexion, highlights how “many of the DACA Dreamers have been on the forefront of the struggle against Covid, even as health personnel, risking their lives to protect the community.” It is estimated that 5 million essential workers are considered undocumented.  

The letter highlights some of the elements the group wants to see included in a comprehensive package, including a pathway to permanent residency and citizenship for those immigrants, Dreamers, and asylees who are already members and contributors in our community.