Local goals suggested for Black Lives Matter movement

I’ve seen the Black Lives Matter movement criticized for not having a plan or clear goals.  While I disagree with that criticism, I have some goals I think we in Bowling Green and Wood County should discuss.  

First, I think data about the age, gender, ethnicity and race of each person stopped, warned and/or cited, and the alleged violations should be public.  If the Police Department, Sheriff’s Department and State Highway Patrol don’t collect that data, they should start now.  

Second, city and county (and state for that matter) law enforcement agencies should be monitored by citizens’ oversight boards made up of people who represent the population, not the political parties.  

Third, city and county law enforcement agencies should de-militarize, with respect to uniforms and weaponry.  There is no reason for “peace officers” to look, act, or be armed like soldiers.  They are not soldiers.  They are not at war with their communities.  

Fourth, no one should be jailed because they cannot pay a fine.  Confinement is for the protection of the individual and the community, and potentially for rehabilitation.  Confinement should never be used to generate revenue.  

These are not my demands.  However, I support demanding that they be discussed in public forums in the city and county. 

Rick Busselle

Bowling Green