Owens students perform three comedies by David Ives

Tim Cieply, Joseph Ellis, and Shania Engler are part of the cast for "All in the Timing" by David Ives on stage at Owens Community College. (Owens photos)


Owens Community College presents the Fall 2022 Student Production of “All in the Timing” by David Ives Thursday, Nov. 10, Friday Nov. 11, and  Saturday, Nov. 12  at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in the Center for Fine and Performing Arts Theatre, 7270 Biniker Drive, Perrysburg. 

The production includes three short plays. 

‘All in the Timing’ cast member Charae Finn.

In “Word, Words, Words,” monkeys type into infinity in an attempt to craft “Hamlet. 

In “Sure Thing,” two people meet and find their destinies interrupted and purposed by the sound of a bell.

In “Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread”  a famous composer has an existential breakdown in a bakery.

These critically acclaimed, award-winning comedies combine wit, intellect, satire and just plain fun.

Tickets are $12 for general admission and $8 for students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Visit https://www.owens.edu/fpa/cfpa/ for more information.