Parents seeking list of library books are not seeking to ban them

I was very disappointed in your article regarding a concerned parent requesting library material and its timing with banned book week. Parents are not going to school board meetings to have books like “To Kill a Mockingbird “ or  “Harry Potter” banned. They are going to school boards to keep over the top sexually explicit books which are obscene, pornographic and age inappropriate out of schools. A few of those titles are “ Gender Queer” , “Lawn Boy” , “ All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “ Looking for Alaska”.  Please feel free to research others on
I am not sure how these books enrich a child’s mind or promote inclusiveness and acceptance. I think being inclusive would be not wanting any child exposed to this harmful material. As parents we monitor TV shows, movies, video games and the internet, so why do we have to accept anything and everything because it’s written in a book? 
It is misleading to say these books are banned. If you or any parent feel these books are appropriate you can buy them at any bookstore or Amazon. Thanks to banned book week we have adults telling kids to go find these books and read them which I find irresponsible. Thank you to all the teachers and librarians who understand this and realize it’s not a parent vs teacher/librarian issue. 

Robin Failor
