BG Independent News
Winning the Bowling Green Pet Show is all about personality, showmanship and a heaping amount of cuteness.
Wednesday evening, a dog in a peacock costume won the prettiest bird category.
A dog who ripped the blinds to shreds before leaving home tied for first place in the best behaved category.
And an Albino African Dwarf Frog easily won the most unusual pet category that was captured by a roly poly bug the last time the pet show was held two years ago.

This was the 60th pet show sponsored by the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department on the stage of Needle Hall in City Park. The categories ranged from biggest rodent and shaggiest pet, to the longest ears, and pet that looks like its owner.
The judges looked over the crowd before the show started.
“I’m feeling a lot of pressure right now since I know a lot of these patrons,” said Maria Simon, head of the children’s area of the Wood County District Public Library. She was less familiar with their pets.
George Bingaman, a volunteer with the Wood County Humane Society, said his qualifications were simple. “I love animals.” He, however, chose to leave his two cats and two dogs at home.
“Our dogs would probably bark the whole time,” and there was no category for that.
Joe Fawcett, the director of public services for the city, admitted to being partial to little kids who brought their pets on stage. “It is difficult.”
Competing in the best behaved category was KC the chihuahua mix.
“She gets along with everyone,” said her owner Sherrel McLaffery.
Her competition was Leo, a German Shepherd.
“He has his dog moments, but for the most part he’s good,” said Jennifer Gildon. “He’s a good listener.”
And then there was Sophie, a spotted pointer.
“We can pretend,” said Lindsay Kelly. “I don’t think she’ll win anyway.”
Full disclosure, Sophie had not been on her best behavior before the pet show.
“She doesn’t listen to commands,” Kelly said. “She just destroyed the blinds at home before she came here.”
Deegan the Great Dane was in the running for biggest dog, weighing in at 100-105 pounds. Brandon Loe checked out the competition at the show. “I think she’s got a shot.”
And since Deegan is only 8 months old, she could be more of a heavy weight next year.

Some animals were shy – like Norman the dog who dug in at the bottom of the stage stairs, and Goldie the kitten who clung to her young owner by sinking her claws into his shirt.
And some were bold like Jellybean who leapt over the stairs to get to the stage.
Some were bundles of hair, like Maverick the Eurasier, and some were not, like the slimiest reptile winner.
The shaggiest pet category was captured by Doctor. Simon, who engaged all young owners into conversation about their pets, made the observation that Doctor had shaggy ears, feet, tail, and “he’s even got a shaggy bottom.”
Doctor returned to the stage later to compete in the cutest dog category.
“He’s not just cute, but a doctor, too,” noted emcee Ivan Kovacevic, program coordinator with the parks department. “So all you girl dogs …” he said, trying his matchmaking skills.
“Not interested,” said Ethel Green, who was holding her Blue Merle Pomeranian named Beatrice, who possibly turned her nose up at the fuzzy Doctor.

“She’s very bossy,” Green said about Beatrice, who of course was signed up for the prettiest girl dog category.
A surprise contestant, Lady Marmalade, stole the prettiest bird category by donning a peacock outfit.
“We haven’t had an entry in ‘prettiest bird’ for years,” Kovacevic said, welcoming the creative entry. “It’s good to bend the rules.”
Lady Marmalade was back later wearing a bumble bee costume. Her owner said she had more outfits at home – like a dragon costume, dress and bathing suit.
Winning the best dressed category were Shiloh and Milo, brother and sister dogs donned in Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus costumes.

Always a highlight of the pet show was the best trick category. Most of the pets were willing to perform in exchange for treats. Teddy Graham showed he could sit for snacks, and shake paws ambidextrously. Corey the cat gave his owner a high-five for a treat. Gracie spun in circles, walked forward, backward and zigzagged.
Rosie’s owner issued a warning to the crowd before her trick.
“She’s gonna get loud,” he said, then asked his dog, “whatcha say?” setting off some high pitched responses from Rosie.