Senior Resource Network continues to expand its programs in area counties

SRN meeting at Wood County Senior Center

The Senior Resource Network (SRN) is a networking group designed to connect professionals who serve older adults in or around multiple area counties. Members of the SRN are able to meet with other professionals and share updates, events and requests for resources or assistance for seniors. 

There is no cost to professionals to be a part of the SRN and no attendance requirements.

In 2023, the organization saw the successful extension of the network into two neighboring counties as SRN began operating affiliate networking meetings in Hancock and Seneca counties. 

With the addition of these two counties, the SRN email list grew to 327 senior care professionals.  This number only counts unique individuals and does not include duplicates for members who participate in multiple counties. 

These numbers mean that when a senior needs resources or assistance in these counties there is a large group of professionals ready to help. This helps the organization further its SRN mission of “connecting the professional community servicing older adults in or around Hancock, Seneca and Wood counties to better serve the senior population.”

A fourth affiliate county will be introduced in 2024. The first meeting of the Henry County Senior Resource Network will be in February and will include a presentation from the Henry County EMA on logistics of the solar eclipse.