Shine a Light on Hate event is response to violence against a variety of groups

Jewish Federation & Foundation of Greater. Toledo

SYLVANIA — Shine a Light on Hate: Creating a Compassionate Community is a response to the significant recent increase in violence, harassment, and intimidation against a variety of groups.

The event will be Aug.27 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at the Franciscan Center, Lourdes University, 6382 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. Shine a Light on Hate will consider factors that lead to discrimination and intolerance, and then offer constructive actions that can be taken within one’s own area of influence to build a more inclusive and welcoming society.

The agenda includes a keynote address, three rounds of breakout sessions and a concluding panel. The breakout sessions offer multiple opportunities to learn about specific community issues. Local organizations will have information tables, accompanied by small bites and cultural performances.

Advanced registration for the free event is encouraged to receive first-choice options for the breakout sessions. RSVP to or Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0351 or

The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and the MultiFaith Council of Northwest Ohio are working together with over a dozen community partners, including The Ability Center, Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, City of Toledo: Human Relations Commission, Diocese of Toledo, Equality Toledo, La Conexion, Lourdes University, NAACP Toledo, NAMI Greater Toledo, Sisters of St. Francis-Sylvania, United Muslim Association of Toledo, University of Toledo/University of Toledo Medical Center, Welcome TLC, Women of Toledo and YWCA of Northwest Ohio.

Shine a Light on Hate: Creating a Compassionate Community is generously supported by the Susan and Steven Kaufman Philanthropic Fund and the Arleen and Jon Levine Family Fund held in the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation.