‘The needs of the WE are greater than ME’ – Richard Strow

WE > Me

Several months ago, I was asked to sign a transfer petition to allow succession of Milton Township to the Patrick Henry School District.  I was told this would be a great deal for ME.  Plus, it gave me an opportunity to send a message to our school board that many people are unhappy with the current status of our district.  I was frustrated with BGCS in large part due to changes and outlook and leadership over the past 10 years.  

 I deeply regret my signing now.  Once the current economic picture became clear, I found that, for today, this would be a very bad deal for ME.    

 I also realized that this transfer is not about ME, but rather about WE, the people of Milton Township.  This transfer will affect the single mom with two kids for whom open enrollment isn’t an option.  It is also about the shy teenager who doesn’t make friends easily going to a new, foreign school.  It is about the student with special needs whose progress will be seriously affected by change.  It is about the young family that just bought a home in the school district they want to be a part of, only to face the possibility of an abrupt change.

It is these people who are the WE’s of our township.

My letter is not to say that we don’t have problems.  Our board could do a much better job of listening to many of the WE who live outside of the city limits.  The petitioners, through their magic 8 ball, have foreseen unprecedented increases in taxes imposed upon them and wish to escape.  They have many complaints, but few ideas on making our situation better.  WE can’t be a people of NO.  

Throughout this process over the past 3 years, both sides have behaved, at times, like children, and it is time for all of us to stand up as the WE and become the adults in the room.

We must recognize that collectively WE have problems, but do WE really want to tear it all apart at the expense of our children and their parents?

So, when you vote on Aug. 4, ask yourself just one question:  Am I voting for the WE (all the families in our township), or just for ME?

Richard Strow
Milton Township