Visit BG Ohio to award 2025 Tourism Grant


Visit BG Ohio is accepting applications for the 2025 Tourism Grant. The requesting organization must provide evidence that their event or project will draw visitors to Bowling Greenand promote tourism in the area through increased usage of lodging, restaurants, shopping venues, and local attractions. 

The grant provides monetary assistance for companies, events, and community functions that serve to significantly publicize and increase tourism activities in the City of Bowling Green. 

Visit BG Ohio Tourism Grants are made possible by the city’s share of lodging tax collected on overnight stays within the City of Bowling Green. 

The grant is a compensation payment that is not designed to cover the cost of a project. Each application will be thoroughly reviewed to determine its potential economic benefit on lodging, dining, shopping, and local attractions and destinations in Bowling Green. Some of the following categories for submissions may include but are not limited to: capital tourism development projects, sports, conferences and meetings, festivals, large-scale events, and the promotion of arts and culture. 

The deadline for applications is Monday, Sept, 30. Click to download the application

The mission of Visit BG Ohio (working under the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce) is to attract visitors, conventions, and events to the City of Bowling Green in tandem with providing a positive economic impact for the community.