Voters should remember all the library offers – in normal times and during pandemic

A library is an irreplaceable staple for any community and the Wood County District Public Library is no exception. I was born and raised in BG, and I cannot recall a time in my life when I didn’t have a library card at this library. I remember spending time at the library as a child, choosing books for my next adventure. 

Nowadays, my two young children absolutely love to spend time at the library. Not just for the books, but to play and to participate in the activities that the youth librarians plan. We have been regulars at the children’s story times for years—it is how they (and I) have met and made many new friends. We borrow movies from the library, we borrow books and audiobooks from the library—as a homeschooling family, we have a minimum of 30-40 items checked out from the library every week. 

I use the computers to research our genealogy or if our internet goes down. We celebrate the Christmas tree lighting every November. Others use it for a space to study or tutor; a place with internet access to search for employment; the classes to learn computer skills; the book discussion groups; the computer lab to draft resumes or to email loved ones—I have used the WCDPL for all of these services at some point in my life. 

Throughout this pandemic, the library has continued to strive to provide as many of these services as they can safely do so. The services and materials the library offers would cost much more than what we pay in taxes to support our libraries. 

When considering the issue of renewing the library’s tax levy—remember, this is not a new tax—we should remember all that the library provides, in normal times and during a pandemic. Please support the library and renew the tax levy.

Kristie Reichert Herringshaw
