Water & sewer district trustees to get recommendations on Sugar Ridge Mercer project

On Thursday, Oct., 28, the Northwestern Water and Sewer District’s Board of Trustees will hear from District staff regarding information and recommendations on the Sugar Ridge Mercer Road Sanitary Sewer Project.  Information will include the necessity and design of the project.  It will also include the allocation of costs in the form of a debt charge depending on grant funding received and the project’s final costs. 

If the Trustees approve the recommendations, a resolution of necessity will be passed and The District will proceed with the project by mailing notifications to all affected property owner(s). This letter will include the estimated monthly cost range per property owner. 

Residents and homeowners have been invited via mail to hear this information and speak in regards to their position on this matter during the Board of Trustees regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, October 28 at 7:30 a.m. located in the board room at 12560 Middleton Pike, Bowling Green, Ohio.  Members of the public will be required to mask and follow CDC social distancing guidelines. 

The public may join the meeting via Zoom by typing the following link in your browser: https://bit.ly/3qixpaW

Use Password: 664391 at the prompt. 
The meeting can also be listened to by dialing 1-301-715-8592. 
When prompted, use ID: 876 8469 6892 and Password: 664391.
The system will allow the public to listen to the meetings, but cannot accommodate audience participation. Any individuals who have questions or concerns that they would like addressed by the District Board are urged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to: publicinfo@nwwsd.org.

As a reminder, The District has a dedicated website page for this project. On this page, we continue to post information as the project progresses. The link to this webpage is:https://www.nwwsd.org/sugarridge