Wood County District Public Library is a community ‘jewel’ deserving of support at polls

In these challenging and unprecedented times, we find ourselves engaged in a daily reflection about the many blessings Bowling Green and the area offers residents and visitors alike.

Regardless of which “yardstick” you might wish to use, by any standard of measurement, we are a truly remarkable community. The stress and uncertainties of the past six plus months have helped to highlight and reinforce our strengths and attributes as a community.

As a dedicated reader of BG INDEPENDENT NEWS, we might well be “preaching to the choir” but yet it never hurts to remind ourselves in a collective sense about those basic community underpinnings which we covet.

The list is long but sharp and clear in our visions: The quality of community leadership, the presence of a nationally ranked public university, our historic downtown and an interesting array of locally owned businesses, our school system, a commitment to renewable energy, a soon-to-be-completed state of the art Senior Center, the Wooster Green and yes the city and county park systems with such distinctive features as the Slippery Elm Trail, the Simpson Garden Park, and acres of outdoor recreational areas.

And, to be sure, one of our community “jewels” has really taken on added community appreciation and unquestionable value in recent months, namely the Wood County District Public Library. What an amazing institution! A community legacy that is no longer characterized by the “shh” sound but the sounds of embrace by readers, learners and information seekers of all ages.

On November 3rd, you have an opportunity to join with us and countless others to sustain the Library’s life and community outreach by voting “YES” for the Renewal Levy (not a new tax!) in full recognition that the levy accounts for 40% of the Library’s tax revenue.

And, if you would like a yard sign, simply send your name and address to ILoveWCDPL@gmail.com.

Dick and Nadine Edwards

Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs

Bowling Green