Faculty colleague endorses Joel O’Dorisio as fearless fighter

Please Support Joel O’Dorisio for Ohio Senate District 2 

I write in overwhelming support of Joel O’Dorisio in his run for Ohio Senate District 2.

Joel O’Dorisio has the right values to represent District 2 in the Ohio Senate. He cares deeply about the public good, volunteers his time and talents for the betterment of the community, and fights tirelessly for the less powerful among us. He is not afraid to speak truth to power. He does it with a smile and in good faith. Even people who disagree with him on issues find it hard to dislike him as a person. He’s exactly the kind of “happy warrior” we need representing us in Columbus, who will selflessly fight for the interests of all residents in District 2. 

I met Joel when we both served on the bargaining team for our faculty union at BGSU. He’s the only person who has served on all three contract negotiation teams. The incredible amount of time and effort he has volunteered over the years for the benefit of the whole is remarkable enough. But Joel’s contribution has been so much more than that.

He does not have tenure protection. And, yet he fought fearlessly to represent the interests of faculty on campus who lacked tenure protections. He asked the uncomfortable questions and pushed both the faculty and the administration to create more equitable working conditions for all. Even when he was unable to achieve his goals, he persisted. He was not always popular, but working to change the status quo rarely is. Happily, Joel’s persistence has paid off. Many of the improvements for non-tenure track faculty that seemed impossible to achieve in negotiations past have now become the normal accepted reality. They wouldn’t have happened without people like Joel fighting for dignity and respect for all.

I believe Joel will bring the same kind of generous determination to his representation of the people in District 2. Please join me in supporting Joel O’Dorisio for Ohio Senate District 2.

Steve Demuth

Bowling Green