Her life shaped & enriched by library, Becky Bhaer urges a ‘yes’ vote on levy

My family did not have a lot of money when I was growing up, but I was so fortunate to have a Mother, even though her education ended after the 8th grade, who believed in the importance of reading. We always had books, newspapers and magazines in the house. We did not have a library in our small town, but she took us regularly to the library in the county seat and to the bookmobile. She did not have much money for gifts, but she tried to bring us home a book whenever she could. She said we would never be alone if we had a book to read.  She is one of the reasons I believe so strongly in the importance of our library. I believe much of my success is due to having more access to books from the library growing up.

I have volunteered at our library for more than 30 years. I brought our children and grandchildren to Wood County District Public Library (WCDPL). I volunteer partly to honor my mother, partly to give back to the community who has given me so much, but mostly because I love the library and the people who work and volunteer there. 

During this time of pandemic and the resulting interruption of no children being in the classroom in many cases, it is even more important to have an excellent library. The library Board of Trustees and the staff are committed to the people they serve and have tried to make books and all other items and services that patrons want as available as possible during this difficult time, even providing delivery service.

Please join me in voting for the levy. It will not increase our taxes from the amount we pay now. It will enable patrons to continue to have books in all different formats, items to provide music and movies and many other services. We can continue to have the things that enrich our lives at a time we may not be able to personally afford all of them by voting for the levy and keeping the library strong.

Becky Bhaer
Bowling Green