League of Women Voters urges people to cast informed and early votes

League of Women Voters' signs on the Wooster Green gazebo promoting early voting during the 2020 general election.

The League of Women Voters urges everyone to vote. And we urge you to vote early, either in person or by mail before November 3rd. As is repeatedly said, this is an unprecedented election season. But one thing hasn’t changed and that is the importance of your vote.

Be an informed voter by going beyond the TV talking heads and ads. Study what the candidates say about themselves and their plans for America. To do this go to VOTE 411.org to compare your candidates’ positions on issues. Or go to lwvbg.org and access the Voters Guide which was prepared by the League of Women Voters and published online by the Sentinel-Tribune. For
judges, google https://judicialvotescount.com. You can listen to the local candidates’ unscripted answers to questions at the League’s Candidates Forum which is available free on YouTube: League of Women Voters Candidate Forum 2020.

One difference this year is that we may not know on November 3 who has won the election. That’s OK. We want every vote to be counted and that may take some time. Be cool and patient. Our democracy is strong, and our election process is sound.

Your vote is your voice in our democracy.

Lee Hakel, President
League of Women Voters Bowling Green
Ellen Dalton, Chair
LWVBG Voter Service Committee