Sounds Like Yoga gets Chamber Investor grant

From left, Chamber President Ben Waddington, Kathie VanNess of Sounds Like Yoga, and Executive Director Mary Hinkelman.


The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce has awarded its Investor Grant for the fourth quarter of 2022 is Sounds Like Yoga.

Kathie VanNess, owner of Sounds Like Yoga, applied for the Investor Grant in hopes of using the money to cover the cost of additional anatomy training that will expand her understanding of fascia and help her identify where body imbalances are present in her clients.

“[Anatomy training] would give me a knowledge of fascia to better understand this field and how it applies to the training I already have in yoga, Pilates, and meditation,” said VanNess. “One of the most exciting applications of this training is in ‘non-traditional’ students. People who would not give yoga, Pilates, or meditation a second glance are often curious about the benefits of fascia work and improvements to everyday movement.”

The Quarterly Investor Grants are available to all Investors in good standing at the Chamber, and the application is available online for easy submission. The Quarterly Investor Grant provides a Chamber Investor up to $1,000 that can offset the cost of an employee training program, the purchase of business-related equipment, or applied towards the offset of a BGSU/Owens student internship. 

The deadline for the 1st Quarter Grant submission is March 31, 2023.

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