Toledo author to discuss his supernatural fiction, Sept. 16


Phil Farina, Toledo author, will be appearing at Gathering Volumes, to discuss his newest supernatural works of fiction, “Gravesend” and “The Enochian Dilemma” Saturday, Sept. 16, 2-4 p.m.

“Gravesend” is loosely based on the author’s personal experiences with the supernatural. The main character is a young man named Robbie Mauro, who as a young boy often had experiences. Sometimes he heard things; sometimes he saw things; but most often he had premonitions. These experiences had a profound effect on his life. One day he and his friends came across a very old Ouija Board. Unable to resist, the boys played with the board to some death defying results.

In the “Enochian Dilemma,” the author takes a page out of the book of Enoch. We are told by Enoch that God created first the angels, then man. He loved man most of all and sent the Angels to watch over man. These special Angels were called Watchers; for they were tasked to watch over man but not interfere.  The angels did not like this much, so they disobeyed Gods commands and mated with women whom they found beautiful. The results were the Nephilim, or the Giants of Old. This angered God and resulted in their destruction by the Great Flood of Noah. All the Watchers were destroyed save one, Azazel who swore vengeance against the Almighty. The Enochian Dilemma takes the reader on a fantastic journey of how to stop a renegade Angel who is hell bent on destroying God’s creations.

Both books have been features at Wizard World Comic Cons and have been well received by both young and old.

One reader commented “Robbie was my favorite character ever. He has so much power yet he is just like me. I can’t wait until the next installment.”

Phil Farina was born in New York to immigrant parents. He grew up in Brooklyn among his very close-knit Italian family. Cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandmother were a major influence on his life. After a brief stint in New England, Phil returned to the Big Apple and attended Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. There, he not only earned his Master’s Degree in Microbiology, but met the love of his life, Cathy.

Together they raised two sons, Rick and Chris in the quiet suburbs of Toledo Ohio. Phil’s professional career was spent in the Chemical Industry with a specialty in developing water treatment technologies. He enjoys world travel and has published a travel blog journalizing multiple trips including Egypt and China.