The BGSU students in the nonprofit administration class outstripped their fundraising goal of $1,000.
As a result the class was able to assist two non-profits with From Students for Community GrantS. The class project donated $1,000 to Welcome BG for its International Friday program (WIF) that seeks to help international students with food insecurity problems.
“On behalf of Welcome BG and the students we serve, thank you for affirming the value of our service,” said Mojabeng Kamala, the Welcome BG coordinator.

Another $300 went to another food project the new Falcon Food Pantry and Resource Center at BGSU for allergen free foods.
The class is the final class in BGSU’s new Nonprofit Administration Minor in the Department of Political Science, taught by Professor Abhishek Bhati.
[RELATED: BGSU students put learning into action to raise funds to help community]
While the project benefited the two food projects, Kylie Stanley, one of the students in the class, said she benefited as well.
“I have learned how to fundraise using real money through real experiences. We would use class time to visit local businesses and ask for donations and write solicitation letters, quickly it became the favorite class of my senior year. I felt like all the hard work I had been doing was finally paying off, and I could see the fruits of my labor.”
The minor has helped her realize her dream of doing nonprofit work after she graduates this week.
[RELATED: Nonprofit administration minor was life changing for soon-to-graduate BGSU student]
“While we voted on who would receive the grant I felt as though I was in a real NPO (nonprofit organization) meeting,” Stanley said. “When it came to voting on the winner, it felt like giving away a part of me! We had raised all this money, created a website, solicitation letters, and a social media campaign in just 15 weeks, now it was time to give it away to a charitable cause.”