Unqualified administrators & teachers at root of racial turmoil in education

The trouble facing education comes from unqualified administrators and teachers motivated by political bias. An example of this would be the case of a teacher telling his students that “kindness is whiteness”. (source: https://nypost.com/2021/09/15/virginia-teacher-says-making-kids-behave-is-white-supremacy/). Naturally one asks, “where did this person get that idea from?” If you thought “Critical Race Theory” then you would be correct. Critical Race Theory arose with the writings of Harvard Law professor Derrick Bell whose own views were dwarfed by those of later writers such as bell hooks. Indeed, Derrick Bell’s writings and mannerisms come across as “too white” by today’s race obsessed standards. It was those later writers who laid much of the groundwork for the thinking that inspired that teacher (himself white) to divide the class along racial lines. Unfortunately, several current and former professors at BGSU have bought into the notion that conservatives (anybody opposed to race indoctrination, including lifelong Democrats) are out to impose neo-fascist education policies by “banning” certain books or ideas from the classroom. A quick look at the background context and legislation in question proves otherwise. The legislation only prohibits teaching concepts of race in a one-sided manner, such as teaching about implicit bias without mentioning the scores of philosophers and cognitive scientists who disagree with that notion entirely (ever take one of those tests? If not, prepare to be amazed by the flawed methodology employed).

Some will say that the word “woke” has been “stolen” by conservatives, as if there are not plenty of liberals who find the over-politicization of popular culture troubling. Indeed, any English professor or historian should know that no community has a copyright claim on words or that words simply cannot change meaning over time. The word “lusty” in the King James Bible for instance means something totally different than it does today. Also, just in case you haven’t opened those books by Piaget and Kohlberg, you should probably know that their theories are every bit as outdated as those of A.J. Ayer and B.F. Skinner. Lastly, Plato thought the world should be ruled by philosopher kings, not democratically elected officials, and he certainly would have been against our idea of schoolboards. Quoting Plato to support Democracy is like quoting Mein Kampf to support Zionism.

“As for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine”-Titus 2:1 

“There is neither black nor white”-Galatians 3:28 (paraphrased for modern readers). 

Bill Kennedy IV

Bowling Green