As election day rapidly approaches, I urge you to re-elect Daniel Gordon, a personable and experienced city councilman who has proven time and again that he gets the job done and gets the job done right. Daniel has been instrumental in a multitude of accomplishments seen around the city in recent years, such as the creation and development of the beloved Ridge Park, the first public park in northeast Bowling Green. Daniel is not afraid to push city officials and even our own governor to get what we, as citizens, deserve. He is a huge proponent of social justice, equality, and inclusivity. Daniel continues to bring us closer and closer to adopting Complete Street policies, which include bike lanes, completed sidewalks, and safer school routes for our children.
Daniel believes that everyone has the right to a livable minimum wage and is dedicated to creating more high-paying jobs right here in our city. He supports local businesses and business owners, strengthening our downtown with economic development across the board. Daniel works for all of us, regardless of economic or personal background. If re-elected for another term, there is no doubt that he will continue to rigorously fight for each and every one of us. Please join me in voting Daniel Gordon for 1st Ward representative this November 7th!
Megan Schweitzer