BGSU seminar launches podcast to provide insight into Critical Race Theory


BG Independent News

A graduate seminar at Bowling Green State University studying Critical Race Theory has launched a weekly podcast to give the public insight into the subject.

In the introductory podcast, Professor Timothy Messer-Kruse, who leads the seminar, said the podcast grew out of discussions last semester in a class he teaches, Theories of Race and Racism.

The class discussed “the wave of legislation being proposed to restrict the teaching racism and the dynamics of racism” framed as being anti-Critical Race Theory. Much of this criticism seemed “uniformed,” Messer-Kruse said.

The podcast is an opportunity to show what is actually taught. This is an opportunity, he said, to explore the history of Critical Race Theory, and its approach to history, culture, and society.

The class will have a roster of distinguished experts on CRT virtually visiting throughout the term.  The visiting scholars include some of the pioneers of the field, some of the most respected critics of CRT, and some of the most innovative young scholars in the field. 

The discussions with these scholars will be featured on the podcast along with weekly updates and discussions on racism and anti-CRT legislation as they develop.

The podcast will be available on Wednesdays on Spotify. Click link to access or on the class blog site.

Schedule* as it stands now:

*Story originally listed when class presentations would be. This is when the podcasts are expected to be available.