Creation Care Celebration, April 29, at Peace Lutheran


We warmly invite you to attend the third annual Creation Care Celebration on Sunday, April 29 from 1-3 p.m., at Peace Lutheran Church, BG

Water care will be the primary focus of this year’s gathering.
Sandy Bihn of Lake Erie Water Keeper ( will be our keynote speaker.

The recent federal designation of Lake Erie Impaired and what next steps are underway will be discussed as well as other efforts to keep our water safe!

Lake Erie Water Keeper is part of the National Water Keeper Alliance. United as one powerful force, Waterkeeper Alliance fights for every community’s right to drinkable, fishable, swimmable water.

This event is being organized by the Black Swamp Green Team, an ecumenical group of religious and community leaders and ordinary citizens committed to greening Northwest Ohio to ensure our region does its part in the worldwide effort to avoid climate disruption and ensure a sustainably prosperous future for ourselves and the next generations.