Mothers group thanks for coffee & doughnuts

MOPS at FUMC, a local group of moms with kids ranging in age from birth to kindergarten, would like to thank Biggby Coffee and Stimmel’s for their generous donations to our mom community this past year.

“Biggby, thank you a million for the consistently delicious hot coffee which has welcomed an average of 30 moms at our Wednesday morning meetings. You have made it so easy for us to pick up in the morning as well as provide cups which are eagerly filled. Many of our moms frequent your shop and always comment on the fast, friendly service

“Stimmel’s, dozens of thank yous for the divinely fresh doughnuts our moms have enjoyed! There are even extras to share with our little MOPPETs when we pick them up from childcare. Happy kids = happy moms. And honestly, doughnuts just make us happy too.”

This year in MOPS our theme has been “A Fierce Flourishing: Celebrate Lavishly, Notice Goodness, and Embrace Rest.” and without a doubt, Biggby and Stimmel’s have helped our moms Flourish.
Anyone interested in more info about MOPS or would like to contact us to go to our Facebook page: