Park District, libraries partner on story walks

Photo provided by the Wood County Park District


A storywalk is a literary nature experience, or a natural literary adventure. Either way, it’s a charming way to read a book. Travel inward from either end of the Slippery Elm Trail, and the story will develop the further you go. Each Storywalk is around one eighth of a mile in length.

“My New Red Bike” by James E. Ransome begins at the Bowling Green trailhead with parking at the Montessori School of BG. “Bird Builds a Nest” begins in North Baltimore with parking at the Slippery Elm Trail South Depot.

The North Baltimore Public Library, the Wood County District Public Library, and the Wood County Park District collaborated to create these storywalks for all to enjoy. Thank you to our community partners and volunteers!

The Slippery Elm Trail is a 13-mile asphalt trail from Bowling Green to North Baltimore that is open daily from 6:30 am until 30 minutes past sunset.

“Imagine Your Story” is the theme to the storywalks and the many engaging summer reading programs available to all ages.

Learn about the libraries and their summer reading programs.

Wood County District Public Library:, 419-352-5104.

North Baltimore Public Library:, 419-257-3621

While at Wood County Park District properties, please observe social distancing of 6-10 feet from anyone who does not live in your household. Restrooms are open. Please wear a mask inside the restroom. Playgrounds are open for use at your own risk. Please wash hands immediately before and after using the playground. 

To learn more about parks, programs, and activities, visit, 419-353-1897. Thank you for enjoying the parks. Be Well.