Stay at home order extended with some easing of restrictions

Ohio’s stay at home order has been extended to May 29 by order of the state’s Health Director Amy Acton with some easing of restrictions foresail, industry, and offices.

The order was signed late Thursday.

It allows for limited opening of retail businesses as of today (May 1) for those that restrict their operations to curbside pickup, delivery, or by appointment for 10 people or fewer. Otherwise retail shops remain closed until May 12. Then they can open subject to strict social distancing guidelines.

The order also allows for plants, distribution, and construction that were ordered to cease operations, to resume on May 4, again subject to the guidelines spelled out in the order.

Offices will also be allowed to open on May 4 as long as they are following the guidelines. However, the order says businesses should still “strongly encourage as many employees as possible to work from home.”