The County Roots 4-H Club is organizing an event to show appreciation toward Bowling Green businesses for what they are doing to support this community.
On Saturday, April 18, the 4-H club is inviting community members to participate in the BG Quarantine Care-avan. Participants will be “care-avaning” from the Black Swamp Curling Center (organizing at 9:45 a.m.) and beginning the trek south on North Dixie Highway to honk and wave at open businesses between 10 a.m. and noon to express appreciation for their commitment to the well-being of Bowling Green.
The vehicle parade will travel south, turning east on Gypsy Lane Road, turning north on Dunbridge Road, west down Wooster Street toward Sundae Station, north on Wintergarden Road to Poe Road and dispersing after passing BG’s Frosty Fare.

Participating vehicles are encouraged to be decorated with positive messages, honk their horns, and obey all traffic laws while “Care-avaning.” Participants are asked to not exit their vehicles and continue to practice social distancing guidelines with only immediate family members riding together.
The message to area businesses is simple and heartfelt: “Your business and employees have worked together to help keep our community strong during a time when people need it most. You have sacrificed time, energy, and often a peace of mind that comes with being out in public and risking your own health in order to care for others. Please take a peek out your windows as we “Care-avan” by to express our heartfelt thanks for the work that your business family continues to do each day. You have showed us you care about us; now it’s time for us to show that we care about you.”
The Country Roots 4-H Club has been an active club in Wood County since 2015 with nearly 50 members always acting on the 4-H motto “To make the best better.”