Celebrate Library Week by visiting WCDPL in person or virtually to explore the many possibilities


During National Library Week, April 4-10, and Ohio Library Week, April 5-9, the Wood County District Public Library encourages all community members to visit the library or website to explore and access services and programs. WCDPL offers a wide array of online resources that are available at the library and from the comfort of your home, including a variety of adult and children’s programming, research databases and assistance, curbside pickup and personalized reading suggestions, and eMedia resources such as WCDPL OverDrive, hoopla, Flipster, and Tumblebooks.

National Library Week is a time to highlight the essential role that libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. The theme for this year’s National Library Week is “Welcome to Your Library,” which promotes the idea that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building and that everyone is welcome to use their services. Whether people visit virtually or in person, libraries are accessible and inclusive places that foster a sense of belonging and community through learning, discovery, and exploration.

During these challenging times, libraries of all types have been going above and beyond to adapt to our changing world by expanding resources and continuing to meet the needs of patrons. WCDPL is supporting the community with virtual services such as eMedia apps and resources, online databases for career building, research, or homework help, and a variety of online programming.

This National Library Week, the public can show their appreciation and support for libraries by visiting WCDPL in person, visiting the wcdpl.org website, or following WCDPL on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and by using the hashtags #wcdpl, #OhioLibraryWeek, and #NationalLibraryWeek.

For more information, visit WCDPL’s website at wcdpl.org